Ainsley Addison

Country: United States
38 years old
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Hi, this is Ainsley Addison, Treat for December 2011. Completely honored to be featured with so many hot girls. It's a pretty amazing feeling!
I started bikini modeling at the age of 19. Some opportunities came up to pose nude so I took the leap and here I am, Twistys Treat of the Month!
My Motto: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and that everything happens for a reason. Pretty typical week day for me would be as followed: Get up, work out, get ready for work, go to work, cause trouble at work for a while and then get off and kick it with friends! On the weekend you never know with me. I may travel, I may stay in... it just depends on how I feel. Qualities I look for in a man? Good personality, good looks, good heart, animal lover, has a good relationship with his parents, Trustworthy, swagger! For a sexual partner he should be good looking, sharing, and know how to work it. Romantically he needs personality and a good heart. My ultimate goal is to be happy and a successful person and give back to people who may not be as fortunate as myself.
Thank you Twistys and all the fans!
Be on the look out for this Southern cutie :) XOXO
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